Since our inception in 2006, we have adapted our services to the needs of our customers globally, acting as a support to their quality control or purchasing offices.


We have vast experience offering services to companies of all sizes at a global level, accompanying them in their day-to-day operations and in their most appropriate supply chain. We have accumulated a deep knowledge of various sectors and regions, and have experience in the most sophisticated quality controls of each process.


We have maximum global presence and a network of five sales and support offices in different countries and more than 20 global and regional coverage areas. Our worldwide presence allows us to offer a multicultural team adapted to the needs of each customer and unique situation.


Thanks to our many international offices and a team of more than 240 technicians spread between our laboratories and our offices covering more than 20 regions, we offer the team that best suits each situation, without exclusivity or obligations.


We are committed to an efficient and effective way of working, applying the latest technology available and a modern project management methodology. Our cloud-based application allows you to analyze and extract data from your projects, integrate the information into your systems or use the ERP as part of your workflow so you can put in value the information obtained in your quality process at source.

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